While we were very happy to finalize the release of vol. 2 of our split with Gallkrist, which went, like vol. 1, with a lot of enthusiasm and efficiency on both sides despite the distance, we are facing a difficulty that forces us to separate from one of the labels involved in this release: Bad Moon Rising. Continue reading “Communique about our break up with Bad Moon Rising”
[FR/ENG] Communique n°2 : In the Nightside Eclipse of Pretenses
[ENG] We wrote a short essay on the question of black metal and antifascism, trying to go beyond sterile denunciation to develop common reflections on the fight against the extreme right in extreme music. It has been published today in English by the folks at CVLT Nation and you can read it in French below.
In the Nightside Eclipse of Pretenses: Black Metal, Anti-Fascism, and “Non-violence”
[FR] Nous avons écrit un court article sur la question du black metal et de l’antifascisme, en essayant d’aller au-delà de la dénonciation stérile pour développer des réflexions communes sur le combat contre l’extrême droite dans les musiques extrêmes. Il a été publié aujourd’hui en anglais par les camarades de CVLT Nation et vous pouvez le lire en français ci-dessous :