Some words from the press on our upcoming album “Le Cœur Bat” available for preorder on our bandcamp page :

« Non Serviam from Paris is one of the sickest bands in the world, not only because they create music without form but also the fact they are not willing to conform. The band’s full length Le Cœur Bat is otherworldly awesome and creates sonic portals to new planes of existence. »

Sean Reveron, CVLT Nation (Canada) – #7 Top 10 AVANT GARDE Albums of 2020

« Whether new or old guard, the despondency to follow the rule of the letter makes ‘Le Coeur Bat’ essential entropic listening. Drenched in neurodiversity, this release is the spectral cross-pollination of extreme noise, eclectic electronica, investigational raw black metal and psychosis-inducing doomed sludge. Think outside the square you live in. »

Alex Logan, Insert Review Here (Australia)

« Non Serviam is a project from Paris that you will never see, but you must hear. They manifest sounds that I’ve never heard before and do it in a way that is pure magic. I could go on and on about how this band shape-shifts genres, but I think you really need to hear them for yourself. »

Sean Reveron, CVLT Nation (Canada) – #7 Top 10 AVANT GARDE Albums of 2020

« Their style is uncommon, experimental, and savage. NON SERVIAM knows exactly how to blend industrial, black metal, grindcore, baroque, doom, crust, etc. – and make it sound interesting. »

Svetlana Likhacheva, The Independent Voice (USA)

« It’s been a long time since an extreme music track intrigued me this much. The cascading waves of heaviness, the guttural, almost vomit-like vocals, the well-incorporated electronic elements. Highly recommended. »

Ben Serna-Grey, Toilet ov Hell (USA) – 4/5 Continue reading “”

Non Serviam – Death to Capitalist Energy !

A very small piece for the unhealthy gourmets.This is the kind of music we write in the morning when it feels like Tetsuo in the head. Please encourage or dissuade us. We need to know if this is music for humans or for something else and which of the two we would prefer…

Wind turbines is the other name for the refusal of any radical transformation. Death to Capitalist Energy!

Interview and review in greek ! (and french version)

We are pleased to present here both our first interview and our first review in Greek. We are very proud of this because we have a special musical and political relationship with our comrades and friends in Greece, both in heart and in mind, and we know how our music is appreciated there. Thanks to Αποστόλη Ζαμπάρα and

The review is here.

The interview here.

And here is a french version of our answers.

New interview with Blessed Altar Zine in french and english

Non Serviam is an extreme-anarcho-experimental-electro-industrial-black metal noise group from Paris, France. Needless to say, defining the sound of the band is tricky. From the first moments of listening to the opening track of the band’s forthcoming album “Work”, I thought two things, firstly, this is unlike anything I’ve heard before and second, I’d like to interview the band. Happily, that wish became a reality, so here we are.

Read the interview here.

New review on The Independent Voice

The anonymous extreme music collective NON SERVIAM is ready to drown the spring of 2021 in the darkness of their new record Le Coeur Bat. They are described as French dystopian metal, though it is extremely hard to define their style by calling a particular genre. Their style is uncommon, experimental, and savage. NON SERVIAM knows exactly how to blend industrial, black metal, grindcore, baroque, doom, crust, etc. – and make it sound interesting.

The album opens with the epic 25-minute title track. Le Coeur Bat is a little hard to listen to because of its length, but overall I enjoyed this dark and beautiful track with some graceful noises, screams, and sound effects. I would like to specifically mention screams in that song – they sound absolutely inhuman and demonic. Fascinating. With smart use of effects, it feels like the screaming is being produced by a nightmarish supernatural beast, not a person.

Read the rest here.

A new italian review for Le Cœur Bat

Musica tenebrosa e demoniaca, metal minaccioso e brani pericolosi, ma proprio per questo affascinanti e capaci di stupire, più che di impaurire. Cantato arcaico e interludi di pianoforte, growl dagli inferi e suoni melodiosi che attirano come una sirena. Il disco di questa misteriosa cobo francese esce dagli schemi andando a scavare nel profondo di ogni ascoltatore. Dalla lunga titletrack che apre l’album si passa da un girone infernale e metallico al successivo, con il pesante drummin di Evaporer alla trama distopica di I watch you from Afar, chiudendo con i sussulti disperati di Je contre. Disco consigliatissimo per uscire dai soliti schemi di tutti i giorni e sicuramente imperdibile per i metallari dal cuore forte.

Read the rest here.

Interview on Growls and Shrieks

We are very happy to share our first online interview with Growls and Shrieks (“Conversations with artists across the spectrum of extreme and extraordinary music”).

Non Serviam are musicians from Paris, France. In their own words, Non Serviam call their work ‘electronihilisme, sludge industriel, anonymat et misanthropie’. They have a busy 2021 ahead with new releases coming out on Code666 and on Trepanation Recordings. I had the chance to chat with two members of the anonymous collective — indicated here as ‘X’ and ‘Y’.

Read the rest here.

Livin’ La Vida Chômage

“Tu deviens complétement maniaque dés qu’ya un peu de merde tu sautes dessus, quand t’arrives à le faire tous les jours t’arrives à t’en débarrasser mais dès que tu te laisses déborder là t’es emmerdé. Moi à la fin je chiais partout aussi”
Sample extrait de Cochon qui s’en dédit, Jean-Louis Le Tacon (1979-37′). Un film que nous vous invitons à dévorer avec un sérieux dégout pour le travail.

“Livin’ La Vida Chômage” est extrait d’un album intitulé “Work”, à paraitre sur Trepanation Recordings, contre le travail, contre le travaillisme, contre la misère. Sortie : 1er Mai.